Eight ways to live within your dreams

All of us have dreams.  They come with anticipation but can also come with doubt and fear.  Fear can hold dreams from becoming reality indefinitely.  How you live with your dreams, makes or breaks a level of happy creation.  This article is written to explore ways to live with and within the dream process.:

  1. Know that a dream already has the power to exist in your life! For instance, you may wish for a new car when your old car keeps breaking down. This becomes your dream. It holds the reality of a new car. The dream is as sure to become a reality in your life as an acorn has the power to become an oak tree.  So, why are dreams sometimes so elusive?  Can it be that we keep the dream from naturally developing?  I think this is possible.  An acorn is pretty small compared to an oak tree.  So is the dream of a new car, or at least your perception of getting a new car.  I believe that dreams have every component necessary to emerge into our reality unless we get in the way by trying to control it through our egos. As an ego gets involved, (and it will always try), it introduces doubt, a need for control over this thought process. An ego is capable of introducing separation from the dream, even conflict.  An ego pretends to want this dream but insists it can only be achieved through hard, unhappy work.  An ego can hold the dream away from blossoming. An ego introduces pseudo-happiness, the illusion of winning against great odds.  In its conflict, this ego separates us from others as it suggests that we are alone. It may suggest a need to right a wrong in order to make a dream come true.  We can be unaware of the daily doses of news stories that feed our egos..  We may read an article that states this is not a good time to buy a car. If you believe this might be true, you will not fulfill this dream to own a new, safer car. You may believe yourself to be wise in choosing to put off the purchase, but when the car breaks down again, you feel a sense of hopelessness and anger at your plight.  The ego gets in the way of connecting with your natural happy state.  Letting go of control and feelings of intense achievement is the first challenge in living within dreams.

  2. Play with your dream.  Daily pretend the dream has already come true. Wouldn’t it be fun to have a new car?  This is a fine way to play with your dream.  Summon up feelings by thinking about how nice the new smell feels or about how much fun it would be to listen to your music in new and fun ways.  You feel the power of the new car’s gadgets and safety features. It feels so good!  Think about the car with whimsy.  It becomes a fun dream to visit every day.   The dream itself brings with it many happy days of anticipation. You feel so much fun and satisfaction at the thought of the dream, you enjoy the anticipation just as much as you enjoy the end product. You may come up with ideas about visiting a couple of car dealers in person or on-line and playing with colors, styles, and other features.  The playful anticipation of the new dream is just as important as the dream itself.  When you think about it, it’s really not the dream that is so impressive, it’s the way we think about the dream that connects us to happy.  If dreams give us unhappy feelings of lack, uncertainty, anxiety, etc., you can be sure we are very far away from the dream that is waiting to show itself as a car.

  3. Stop talking about dreams as solutions to your problems. You might hear a child whine, I really, really want this toy!  I really, really, really NEED this toy! We may have an inner child whining about what we perceive as a dream or wish.  My car is so unsafe, we complain to our friends.  I really wish I had the money to buy a new car.  The complaining about the car can turn into conversations about how unlucky we are, or how we don’t understand why some people can buy new cars every couple of years and we can’t even afford another used car  If not checked we can complain indefinitely about the car dream.  We don’t realize that it is the complaining that holds dream from ever coming true.  Use your conversations to support your dream by talking about feelings that are already a daily reality because of the car dream..

  4. Let the dream grow naturally.  Give into and take for action ideas about getting the car as they come with ease.  Appreciate that you are not creating the dream all by yourself, but sharing it with people who have already made your car. They have dreams of selling the car.  Your dream and theirs will harmonize, making beautiful music of life!.  The dream already has been created for you to enjoy.  Enjoy the way the dream becomes more and more real for you each day.  Talk to others about how much fun you are having as you explore the kind of car that’s coming your way.  If you are smiling when you think or talk about your new car, you are letting the dream grow naturally.  Your feelings are the sunshine of the dream. There is nothing you need to do except be present — happily!

  5. Be open to the development of your dream  You may find that your initial picture of a car changes as you enjoy, explore and discover new features that you previously did not know existed.  If these new discoveries begin to give you financial or other concerns, gently stop and look for discoveries that give you a happier feeling. Here’s an example in my life.  When it was time to purchase a new car, I thought I wanted a convertible.  I chose one great-looking convertible and dreamed about it on-line and called dealers.  I chose colors and felt the wind blowing in my hair.  I loved that it had a hard top that mechanically opened from inside the trunk.  The car itself looked so good to me.  But I never was inclined to move toward purchasing the car.  I received emails with special deals.  It did not inspire me to purchase.  I kept feeling that I was too exposed in a convertible.  I am not the kind of person who wants to create a spectacle for others.  But I still wanted all the feelings that the convertible held for me.  I eventually chose a car that had the great feelings held by the old convertible car.  The car I finally chose, held all of these feelings and so much more.  It was not only fully equipped, it had a sun-roof that reached back to the 2nd row of seats.  It represented a convertible to me but it was now my private convertible.  Its the feeling that can help you appreciate the fact that dreams lead to a connection to our truest nature of well-being.  If we find we are anxious or stubbornly working to get the dream, we are actually blocking the dream.

  6. Uplift your attitude away from a dreamless life.  All of us have dreams.  Many of us try to fight the urge to believe in dreams and try life with a more realistic approach:  no dreams, no disappointment.  This attitude draws just that:  a dreamless life.  Nothing special.  Every day like every day.  No celebration.  Getting along.  A living sleeper.  A we never win, attitude.  If you can change and uplift this attitude toward a “might happen or a wouldn’t this be fun if”  attitude, things can brighten up immediately

  7. Bravely walk toward and into your dream  When you want a dream to come true, you have to be willing to change from your current situation.  You need to leave behind thoughts of what was just a moment ago.  This takes constant vigilance.  You have to stop and leave behind thoughts like, I just want to get a new car, so I’m not asking my brother to pick me up all the time.  Or, I’m sick of getting a used car and having it break down! Or, Who do I think I am, having a new car!  What will my family think about me?  Will they think I am financially irresponsible?  These, and similar thoughts, can keep you in a holding pattern.  When you can become aware of these self-defeating thoughts and you can dismiss them, you can begin to bravely walk towards and into your dreams with better ease.  You will remember that dreams already have the power to exist.  We need only find ways to receive the dream.

  8. Accept your dream knowing there is another dream just behind this one! When you bring home the car, you may have a few days and weeks to smell the new interior and enjoy the newness of the car.  It’s so much fun!  You may be able to appreciate and enjoy it as a symbol of how your dream developed into reality.  In this way, the newness and satisfaction can remain for a long time.  In the meantime, however, if you become more conscious of your life, you will notice that another dream is showing itself.  This time you may have a dream to get a new job, or meet new people, travel to a far away land, or add an extension to your home.  As you become aware of the affect dreams have on your life, you will move away from negative thinking, from doubt.  You will appreciate the role dreams play in helping you grow in wisdom, love and peace.  This is a hint of things to come.

It is helpful for me to write and explore my understanding of dreams and the state of on-going happy creation.  I hope these thoughts are helpful for you like wise..



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