Commitment to Write: Day 21 February 2019

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No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” 

—Hugh Jackman, The Greatest Showman

You can do it! You can be your best supporter! Your best cheerleader! Your best friend! It’s clear, people who are loyal to themselves cultivate countless friends.

Wishes can come true for your best friend, right? So, become your best friend. Become the one who seems to have fun all the time. Become the one who succeeds. Everything just seems to go well with your friend. Become that friend. I am not talking about imitating your best friend’s actions. I’m talking about taking on the attitude you think  your friend has.

Tell yourself in the mirror these things today and see if things become even better than now.

  • Things always turn out for you!
  • You always get things right in the end.
  • You are one of the luckiest people in the world!
  • You are a vibrant and loving person.
  • People look to you to be uplifted.
  • Life is turns out no matter what the circumstance.
  • You have a great ability to enjoy life

A daily dose of mirror talking can work marvels. I have used this positive mirror technique for decades. I used them at work, at home, first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Authentically used, it lights the fire within to spread your confidence, peace, joy and happiness with everyonel you meet.

Have an extraordinary day! And, happy mirror talking!

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