Commitment To Write: Day 7 February 2019

William Pardon Tankerfield The Third and A Googol of Wishes

In a bit I will play for you the great Oliver Hunt rendition of this beautiful book. There has been lovely snow outside my door since Sunday and we are expecting more tomorrow. It is a dreamy type of existence I am living in right now.

I love this picture of William Pardon Tankerfield the Third. Yes, I drew this picture, but what surprises me is who is looking back at me. I see the eyes of my husband, my son, the eyes of my grandsons, my daughter-in-law, my brothers and sister, and friends. I am beginning to understand that the person who I am now aware of is myself. It surprises, delights and surprises me again.

Here’s what I see: Fun. A little bit of mischief, but loving mischief. Delight to be here. Confidence that all is well. Mainly love. All you need is love.

The book was written as a way to think about and teach my then-10-year-old son about believing in dreams. I wanted him to know he has everything at his disposal to live the kind of life he wishes for. All you need is love.

As I said, I am in a dreamy sort of life today. Touching the magical ideas of happiness. I am grateful. I am love.

So here’s my promise: presenting Oliver Hunt @oliverthereader

Here’s a link to Audible and the first few pages of the adventure. Enjoy.

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